Saturday, November 08, 2014

3 bad tumors: Please help me shoo them away!

 photo MRI1_zpsc5f7c0cc.jpg  photo MRI2_zps7dab5bd2.jpg  photo MRI3_zpsed369f26.jpg

MRI scan results are out and it’s 3 pages long! Meningioma. Schwannomas. Lesions. Mass. Soft tissue. Irregular. Abnormal enhancement. Definite progression. Tumors, tumors and more tumors all over my cranial MRI. Aside from the 4cm big bad brain tumor, there are also tumors on my optical wall (on each side) that needs to be treated. That’s 3 bad tumors! Hopefully the other tumors will remain small and behave forever!

It’s Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy (SRT) times two that costs Php 593,450.00  and we need to raise it within this month.

Here’s the copy of the estimated price quotation we got from Medical City (the only hospital in the country that has this kind of treatment) – the red marks are the discount.

Here’s the plan according to Dr. Vega (radiation oncologist):

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I'm a bosconian. Proud Bosconian!

Here it is. My speech during last Sunday's DBS Grand Homecoming. My mom read this coz I can write (and I have A LOT to share), but I can't deliver it. But still, I CAN! It's 3-pages long, size 14 Calibri font, narrow margin, single space and it's focused on just one topic. Haha. Ako na ang madaldal! :P

Very short intro
I copied a couple sentences from of my previous articles & writings, should I sue myself of plagiarism? LOL.

Read on.

I am Maria Kathrina Lopez Yarza. I am known as Kcat to everyone, but most of my DBS friends call me Tack. I belong to the pioneer batch, DBS Batch 2000. It is really a great honor to be sharing my story with you, my fellow Past Pupils. Thank you so much for making me a part of this.

Our home is our first venue of learning; the second is our school. After studying nursery school at a learning center near our home, I was ready to study in a bigger school for my preparatory schooling.  My parents learned that there was a newly opened Don Bosco School in Manila for girls, and since my dad and my mom’s brothers were Bosconians, they were eager to enroll me here. I was accepted and I was lucky to become one of the first batch of students in DBS way back in 1989 and proud to be one of the first graduates in year 2000.

In those eleven years, I thought I was only here to study, study, and study. I have learned a lot, but not only lessons from textbooks, but DBS also taught me about life: what life is, how to value life and how to live it well, not by myself, but together with everyone. And all these form a big part of who I am today.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Please help me shoo this big bad tumor away!

Hello! I’m Kcat Yarza. As you all know, I was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF–tumor of the nerves) and I have so many tumors all over my body (inside and out), including the brain. I got lots of small, benign and harmless tumors in my brain except for one aggressive big bad tumor that measures 3.8 x 4.7 x 4.3 cm and causes further compression of the brainstem. Although no too severe (yet?) this causes my frequent dizziness, nerve pain and headaches. If I am able to walk by myself, I would have fall down often and lose my balance. Maybe that is why I fell from my chair countless times.

This tumor needs to be treated with 5 sessions of hypofractionated stereotactic radiation therapy that will cost Php 400,000 or it could be more. It’s not really an emergency but we need to prioritize it because it’s already big and we don’t know how aggressive it is. If it gets bigger, it could cause more harm. How soon is soon? Hopefully before Christmas. Maybe. With your help, this CAN be possible! God will provide.

Every cent counts.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Big bad brain tumor

In May or June (this year), I noticed that I frequently have headache, nerve pain (inside my head) and I often feel disoriented. Good thing, I already know how to manage it. That’s what life is with Neurofibromatosis (NF) and I’m used to it. Then a few weeks ago, I’ve been feeling disoriented and I almost had a seizure. I know the feeling every time I’m about to have seizures. I just know. Amazing, right? I just have to stop what I’m doing, be calm, drink water, drink my anti-seizure, drink water again, and deep breathing. Inhale. Exhale. It works all the time! I never had seizures ever since I started doing this. Almost seizure but it never succeeds! I always win! Haha.

After that, I told my mom that I almost had a seizure and told her about that ‘disoriented feeling’. Then we remembered that it’s been a while since my last cranial CT scan to monitor my tumors. After that, my mom told my neurosurgeon, Dr. Lopez about it and a few days after we got the letter of request and I was scheduled to have the CT scan at PGH-FMAB.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Marinelle (9) is battling with cancer and she needs our help

A few days ago, my friend (I mean gwapong friend. Haha) Armin’s niece, Vera posted a message on my Facebook timeline asking me to repost the link she sent me.

It’s about her friend, Manel, who was diagnosed and battling with cancer.

Here it is::

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7 

Monday, June 23, 2014

KCAT CAN: Unwavering Faith

Unwavering Faith

Late last year, I met Joyce Quiñones because of the group Neurofibromatosis Friends (NFF) Philippines. Her younger sister, Shiela was recently diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2) just like me.

She has multiple tumors in the brain that affected her hearing and vision. She needed to undergo surgery to have the tumors removed but her family doesn’t know where to start. Upon my suggestion, they went to see my neurosurgeon, Dr. Willy Lopez, and after that clinic appointment, they were enlightened. Her craniotomy and radio surgery were both a success!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

8th MAY Birthday Project 2014

It’s been a month since our annual gift-giving affair at Philippine General Hospital (PGH) and of course it was a success once again!

Happy Volunteers (JCL Photography)

Monday, June 09, 2014

KCAT CAN: A test of faith

A test of faith

I recently had a long, deep and meaningful conversation with a friend. She shared her problems with me and I helped her realize what she should do in order to solve it.

When she was finally enlightened with a solution, she asked me, “How about you? Do you have any problems, too?” I told her that I have my share of problems though I can’t enumerate it because it will take time to recall all of it. Besides, I don’t really think about my problems. I would always turn my focus on the solution, rather than sticking with the problem. Some people might think that I’m in denial, but I’m not; and I’m sure about it. Life is full of problems and I’m not exempted from having my own share. It’s just sad whenever we focus on our problems and tend to forget that we still have a life to live. We don’t need to avoid our problems; we just need to handle it well and not let it take over our life.

American Christian pastor and author Rick Warren wrote, “When you stay focused on your purpose, not your problem, you can be happy even when life seems to be falling apart.”

Monday, May 26, 2014

KCAT CAN: The best birthday treat

The best birthday treat

"I am Kcat Yarza. We’re here to celebrate my birthday by sharing my blessings that I call family and friends.” That was the introduction I gave in each ward during our 8th MAY Birthday Project at the Philippine General Hospital last May 17.

“We want to let you know that you are not alone because someone cares for you.” I relayed everything in Tagalog, of course. I paused and got distracted whenever I saw someone crying not because I feel pity for them but because I saw in their faces that their prayers were somewhat answered, especially when I said the line, “Habang may buhay, may pag-asa (while there’s life, there’s hope).”

Monday, May 12, 2014

KCAT CAN: Beautiful despite the imperfections

Beautiful despite the imperfections

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” − Psalm 139:14

When I was a child, I was diagnosed with various illnesses and conditions, which we later found out to be just one kind of disorder – Neurofibromatosis (NF).

NF is a neurological disorder and causes benign tumors to grow on nerves that can affect many parts of the body, including the brain, spinal cord, nerves, skin, and other body systems. It can be inherited and can be caused by a mutation in genes. Once you have it, you can pass it on to your children.

Monday, April 28, 2014

KCAT CAN: The sincerity of children

The sincerity of children

Look at children. Of course, they may quarrel, but they do not harbor ill feelings as much or as long as adults do. Most adults have the advantage of education over children, but what is the use of an education if they show a big smile while hiding negative feelings deep inside? Children don’t usually act in such a manner. If they feel angry with someone, they express it, and then it is finished. — Dalai Lama XIV

One day, my friends wondered. “How does one feel when one is doing something just for the sake of getting the job done, to gain praises or popularity, without a bit of sincerity?”

Monday, April 14, 2014

KCAT CAN: Power of a heartfelt prayer

Power of a heartfelt prayer

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” — Mark 11:24

What are you praying for? Most of us pray for good health, guidance, safety, finances or a better understanding of life. We would pray for ourselves, our friend, our families and the world. Those who are sick like me, pray for complete healing. Others ask God for forgiveness or thank Him for all the blessings they receive. Most prayers are done inside places of worship, at home, at work, while traveling, or wherever we maybe because God is always with us. There are those who do their prayers while lighting a candle, holding a rosary or crucifix, or while kneeling. Most people pray silently while some say it out loud or write it on a paper.

It’s amazing to know that there are so many various ways to pray and communicate with God, but do we have the time for Him or are we too busy with our lives?

Monday, March 31, 2014

KCAT CAN: The best way to fight life’s battles

The best way to fight life’s battles

In our Neurofibromatosis group page on Facebook, one of our NF friends posted, “Sadya bang ganon…? Tayong mga maysakit parang bawal magalit at bawal gumawa ng kasalanan? Dapat alam kung ano ang tama at alin ang mali? Kailangang magpaka-bato pagdating sa love dahil sa takot na baka di tayo sapat.”

I immediately disagreed with two letters, “NO!” Then, I later explained, “Hindi maiiwasang magpaka-emo minsan, pero don’t take everything seriously nalang and choose to laugh at it than be sad about it. Mahirap? Pero hindi impossible.”

Monday, March 17, 2014

KCAT CAN: Choose Happiness

Choose Happiness

“I want to have a reason to be happy like Kcat,” reads this Facebook status from my friend Cecille.

I told her that she can be because she has a lot of reasons to be happy like being alive, waking up to a beautiful morning each time, being surrounded by family and friends, and having a job.

“Don’t wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you’ve got to make yourself,” says a quote from American author Alice Walker.

MAY Birthday 2014 on May 17: Birthday Wishlist

It’s already summer time and the month of May is just around the corner! It’s going to be my birthday once again meaning MAY Birthday Project is here!!!
1st MAY Birthday Project in 2007
Since I was a child, I am always excited whenever my birthday’s coming because it means gifts, foods and party with my friends and cousins. Up until now, I still feel the same excitement because my birthday means there’ll be foods, gifts and family and friends to share and bring JOY to those who are in need.

In 2007, while travelling by car with my family, I was thinking aloud, “I want to celebrate my birthday with the kids in the hospital." Ideas kept coming out of my mind, but I told myself, “But we are not rich, how can we fund the event?”

I am rich with blessings though, blessings that I call family and friends, and so I’ve been sharing them with the patients of Philippine General Hospital (PGH) Charity wards.

7 years of gift-giving
Like most people who’s about to celebrate their birthday, I too have a birthday wishlist that I’ve been asking for 8 years now. Please give me a birthday gift from my wishlist and help us in making this year’s gift-giving event as successful as the previous years. Donate. Join. Support.

Monday, March 03, 2014

KCAT CAN: Carlisle's Plea For Help

“Wala na po bang ibang option?” Marie desperately asked the doctor when she was told that Carlisle needs to undergo another brain surgery. She’s completely aware that craniopharyngioma is a tumor that may come back even after surgery and radiation therapy but she never thought that it can be this fast, it hasn’t been a year since Carlisle’s recent brain surgery.

“I know this is for the best, but as long as there are other options, that I’m sure there will be, I don’t want to risk his life again,” Marie shared.

Carlisle's Plea For Help

On the dawn of March 31, Marie Ruth Berma was blessed with a bouncing baby boy who immediately cried after coming out of his mom’s womb, a sign that he was healthy. The handsome little boy with rosy cheeks and birthmark on his foot, was named Carlisle Von Patrick. For Marie, Carlisle was perfect.

Monday, February 17, 2014

KCAT CAN: Waiting For God's Signs

Whenever I can’t think of anything to write about— whether I mention it in my prayer or not, as long as I would think about it—God always gives me a ‘sign’ to answer this prayer; and Ndre’s story is my answered prayer. 

Waiting For God's Signs

“Do you believe in signs?” My sister asked me one day.

Monday, January 20, 2014

KCAT CAN: Everyone needs a family

Everyone needs a family

Most of my friends know who Tito Jim is. He is my mom’s younger brother who is five years older than me. We basically grew up together with my cousins. From hip-hop music to rock, riding the bicycle and skateboard, I learned it all from him.

During our teenage years, we used to call his place “Paraiso” because hanging out with him was like a paradise of reality. That was something my cousins and I made up. It may sound as an excuse, but for us, it was like seeing what’s ahead of us while being in tune with the current moment and having fun.

Last January 10, Tito Jim married his girlfriend, April Policarpio. I already forgot how long they were together because it seemed like they’ve been a couple since the day they were born. April went to the US in 2012 so they were separated from each other for more than a year. But they have proven that distance is not an obstacle because their love grew stronger. They later decided to get married.

Monday, January 06, 2014

KCAT CAN: Life Must Go On


It seemed like the world is moving too fast and I wanted it to stop, or at least slow down, so that I could keep up. I wanted the time to wait for me. Then I realized, life goes on, and I have to live with it.

Before my health deteriorated in 2005, I was fond of going out with my friends, love ones and even by myself. I was a very outgoing type of person as they say, enjoying life to the fullest. This is one of the reasons why I didn’t feel bitter about life when I became sick because I was still able to enjoy many things whenever I can. Most of my friends and family rely on me in terms of choosing and planning where and when to go, and what to do. They even tagged me as the promotor or pasimuno. But then I got so sick and weak, I was not able to go out like I used to. Or so I thought and I was wrong!
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