Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Firming the FAITH of the youth - NYD2011 (Nov17)

Last November 17, 2011, I was invited to be one of the Plenary Speakers on National Youth Day at DBTC Festival Site. When I received the email invite last month, my first reaction was "Wow!" It's really an honor. This is one of God's purpose for me and I would LOVE to be His instruments and share the workssssss He has done on me. ♥

"I shared my story not because I wanted popularity but because I wanted to share myself, my ordeals, my struggles, and the very words and principles that I live by that have given me the inner strength to carry on and to live on and still be with my family, loved ones, and friends."
Like the previous talks that I made, I wrote my speech and let my mom read it.
The power of 'Speech Power' Haha.

"Acceptance is the key. 
Faith is the weapon. 
Prayer is the wing.
God is in control."

With some of the organizers & 2 other inspiring speakers, JC Perez & Nadz Gawat

Picture galore with the delegates..

"I may not excel in anything, but I have achieved a lot. I am able to touch lives. I am able to share my talents. I am able to bring joy to people’s hearts. And the most important of all, I know how to live with gratitude, contentment, happiness and courage in the face of many struggles and challenges. I am disabled, but with my FAITH, I am surely, definitely and undoubtedly able!"

"Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith”
(cf. Col. 2:7)

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